There are 8 problems worth a total of 100 points. Individual point values are listed next to each problem number.
Credit awarded for your answers will be based on the correctness of your answers, as well as the clarity and main steps of your reasoning. "Rough working" will not receive credit: answers must be legible and written in a structured and understandable manner. Do scratch work on a separate page.
Read all problems first. Make sure that you understand them, and feel free to ask clarifying questions. Do not interpret a problem in a way that makes it trivial.
You may use a calculator to check your computations (but it may not be used as a step in your reasoning).
Notation: Throughout, let Z\mathbb{Z} denote the ring of integers; let Q,R\mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{R}, and C\mathbb{C} denote the fields of rational, real, and complex numbers respectively. For a set SS, we let |S||S| denote its cardinality. All non-zero rings are assumed to have a multiplicative identity 1!=01 \neq 0. For a Galois extension of fields L//KL / K, let Gal(L//K)\operatorname{Gal}(L / K) denote its Galois group.
[12 points] Let GG be a finite group, and let N sube GN \subseteq G be a normal subgroup.
(a) Let Aut(N)\operatorname{Aut}(N) denote the automorphism group of NN. Show that there is a group homomorphism phi:G rarr Aut(N)\phi: G \rightarrow \operatorname{Aut}(N) whose kernel is the centralizer of NN in GG.
(b) Suppose |N|=p|N|=p, where pp is the smallest prime divisor of |G||G|. Prove that NN is contained in the center of GG.
[12 points] Let GG be a group of order 5*13*23*435 \cdot 13 \cdot 23 \cdot 43. How many elements of order 5 are contained in GG ?
[12 points] Let RR be a commutative ring that satisfies the descending chain condition. That is, for any descending chain of ideals, I_(1)supeI_(2)supe cdots supeI_(k)supe cdotsI_{1} \supseteq I_{2} \supseteq \cdots \supseteq I_{k} \supseteq \cdots, there must exist t >= 1t \geq 1 so that I_(k)=I_(t)I_{k}=I_{t} for k >= tk \geq t.
(a) Let x in Rx \in R. Show that there exists t >= 1t \geq 1 and r in Rr \in R so that x^(t)=rx^(t+1)x^{t}=r x^{t+1}.
(b) For a prime ideal PP of RR, use part (a) to prove that R//PR / P is a field.
[12 points] We make C^(3)\mathbb{C}^{3} into a C[x]\mathbb{C}[x]-module by setting f(x)*v=f(A)vf(x) \cdot v=f(A) v, where
Find polynomials p_(i)(x)inC[x]p_{i}(x) \in \mathbb{C}[x] and exponents e_(i)e_{i} such that C^(3)~=bigoplus_(i)C[x]//(p_(i)(x)^(e_(i)))\mathbb{C}^{3} \cong \bigoplus_{i} \mathbb{C}[x] /\left(p_{i}(x)^{e_{i}}\right) as C[x]\mathbb{C}[x]-modules. Justify your answer.
5. [12 points] Let RR be a ring with 1!=01 \neq 0. Let MM be a left RR-module, and N sube MN \subseteq M a submodule. Suppose that MM and M//NM / N are projective RR-modules. Prove that NN is also projective.
6. [14 points] Let KK be a field, and let R=K[x,y]R=K[x, y] be the polynomial ring in variables xx and yy over KK. Let M=(x,y)sube RM=(x, y) \subseteq R (i.e., M=Rx+RyM=R x+R y, the ideal generated by xx and yy ).
(a) We make KK into an RR-module by setting f(x,y)*alpha=f(0,0)alphaf(x, y) \cdot \alpha=f(0,0) \alpha, for f in Rf \in R and alpha in K\alpha \in K. Show that there is an RR-module homomorphism phi:Mox_(R)M rarr K\phi: M \otimes_{R} M \rightarrow K such that on pure tensors
Here partial derivatives are defined formally in the usual way.
(b) Show that x ox y!=y ox xx \otimes y \neq y \otimes x in Mox_(R)MM \otimes_{R} M.
(c) Show that x ox y-y ox xx \otimes y-y \otimes x is non-zero and torsion in Mox_(R)MM \otimes_{R} M. That is, there exists r in R,r!=0r \in R, r \neq 0, such that r(x ox y-y ox x)=0r(x \otimes y-y \otimes x)=0.
7. [14 points] Let f=x^(4)-2inQ[x]f=x^{4}-2 \in \mathbb{Q}[x], and let E subeCE \subseteq \mathbb{C} be the splitting field of ff.
(a) Show that E=Q(root(4)(2),i)E=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[4]{2}, i) and determine [E:Q][E: \mathbb{Q}].
(b) Show that there is an automorphism sigma:E rarr E\sigma: E \rightarrow E such that sigma(root(4)(2))=iroot(4)(2)\sigma(\sqrt[4]{2})=i \sqrt[4]{2} and sigma(i)=i\sigma(i)=i.
(c) Let tau:E rarr E\tau: E \rightarrow E be the restriction of complex conjugation. As elements of Gal(E//Q)\operatorname{Gal}(E / \mathbb{Q}), what are the orders of tau,sigma\tau, \sigma, and sigma^(2)tau\sigma^{2} \tau ?
(d) Let H=(:sigma^(2)tau:)sube Gal(E//Q)H=\left\langle\sigma^{2} \tau\right\rangle \subseteq \operatorname{Gal}(E / \mathbb{Q}). What is the fixed field of HH ?
8. [12 points] Fix a field KK, and let K[t]K[t] be the polynomial ring in a variable tt over KK. Let K(t)K(t) denote the field of fractions of K[t]K[t]. That is, K(t)K(t) is the field of rational functions over KK. In a natural way, K sube K(t)K \subseteq K(t) as a subfield. Let sigma:K(t)rarr K(t)\sigma: K(t) \rightarrow K(t) be defined by setting for polynomials f,g in K[t],g!=0f, g \in K[t], g \neq 0,
(a) Show that sigma\sigma is a well-defined field automorphism of K(t)K(t) that restricts to the identity on KK.
(b) Depending on the characteristic of KK, what is the order of sigma\sigma as an element of the group Aut(K(t)//K)\operatorname{Aut}(K(t) / K) ?
(c) Let K=F_(2)K=\mathbb{F}_{2}, the field with 2 elements. Let G=(:sigma:)sube Aut(F_(2)(t)//F_(2))G=\langle\sigma\rangle \subseteq \operatorname{Aut}\left(\mathbb{F}_{2}(t) / \mathbb{F}_{2}\right), and let E subeF_(2)(t)E \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{2}(t) be the fixed field of GG. Show that E=F_(2)(t^(2)+t)E=\mathbb{F}_{2}\left(t^{2}+t\right). (Hint: What is {:[F_(2)(t):F_(2)(t^(2)+t)]?)\left.\left[\mathbb{F}_{2}(t): \mathbb{F}_{2}\left(t^{2}+t\right)\right] ?\right)